
How to become a Member

Membership is open to individuals and entities interested in developing strong cultural and business relationships with Vietnam. Members can be based in Australia and Vietnam. For further details please contact:

For Membership Inquiries


Alternatively, you can become a member by filling out the form below.


    • Gain business referrals and alerts on trade opportunities
    • Obtain advice and counsel from trade specialists in your field
    • Gain valuable insights and collaborate with business and government leaders in Australia and Vietnam
    • Attend dedicated networking and educational events
    • Participate in dedicated trade missions

    Our members

    Currently Being Updated...

    What our member say about us

    The AVCC saved us a lot of time and costs to search, exchange with partners and identify suitable products for different markets.

    It has Vietnamese speakers in South Australia with wide business knowledge. That helps us with language and geo-distance issues.

    Thanks to the support of AVCC we have worked with reputable manufacturers, cut many intermediaries, and improved our products.

    AVCC also supports the image of the company and our products with the orthodox organizations of the Australian Government in Vietnam, which increases our reputation with partners and customers. It is an advantage.
    As a Member of AVCC we are much more appreciated by customers in Vietnam in terms of reputation and brand. 

    Our products are more accepted and used, and sales have significantly improved. Manufacturers have a better understanding of us and our customer needs.